For Immediate Release (Jan. 30, 2008):
Forty regional pro-life leaders at OR/OSA hosted summit to focus
on Weitz in planning this year's local and national events

Operation Rescue/OSA is hosting forty regional pro-life leaders in Charlotte, North Carolina, February 8 -10, 2008 to plan this year's local and national events. By the date of this summit, the Collaborators Project will have designated the billion-dollar Weitz construction firm with Permanent Collaborator Status if Weitz has not stopped building Denver's new abortion clinic by midnight, January 31st.
"Battle-hardened street protesters from all around the country have joined Operation Rescue/OSA in our commitment to honor permanent collaborator status against Weitz," said the Rev. Flip Benham, the group's national director. "If the Collaborators Project announces that this billion-dollar firm quit the abortion business by the deadline, of course we will exclude Weitz' clients' homes and sales offices from our nationwide protest plans."
Operation Rescue/OSA is the world's most well-known anti-abortion protest organization. According to Rev. Benham, "Our annual event will bring 400 of the nation's most experienced street protesters together for one week, and Weitz' clients homes will be a significant part of our effort to ensure that there is no child killing with tranquility."
Further, with the Democratic National Convention being held just up the road from Weitz' largest division, and just down the road from the Weitz abortion clinic (AuschWeitz), "OR/OSA is coordinating with other anti-abortion protest groups to include Weitz Denver-area clients such as the fashion store Hermes in our DNC protest plans," said Benham."Operation Rescue/OSA is committed to effective, yet peaceful non-violent protests. The pro-abortion anarchist organizations that counter-protest us around the nation do not share our commitment to non-violence. We have already begun talks with Colorado law enforcement officials, who expect the August DNC meeting to attract these same pro-choice anarchists in greater than usual numbers. We will share in advance our protest plans with local police officials in hopes of providing protection for all involved."
Operation Rescue led the non-violent civil disobedience movement into the 1990s that saw 50,000 arrests across America in the Christian effort that saved the lives of thousands of unborn children. Federal laws designed to keep abortion clinic doors open do not apply to collaborators. "As a billion-dollar firm that has actually built an abortion clinic," said Benham, "Weitz has set itself up as the hub, and its clients as the spokes, of an energized national collaborators project that will continue for as many years as Planned Parenthood is killing children in the building prepared by Weitz."
For more information, please contact:
Rev. Flip Benham
980 722-4920
Operation Save America Press Release