Florida pro-lifers begin West Palm Beach home protests of Weitz executives, and clients...
Super Bowl party at Weitz exec's home a success, drew a crowd of 50 people...
40 regional leaders at Operation Rescue summit in Charlotte NC focusing on Weitz' clients for this year’s DNC protest and for local and nat'l events...
WorldNetDaily: Multi-million dollar 1-800-ASPHALT business takes action against Weitz…
Missionaries to the Preborn, a Planned Parenthood “Top 15 Enemies” to go after Weitz
Repent America, successful in the courts and on the streets, to honor the CP's deadline by organizing efforts against Weitz for collaboratoring...
One of the USA's most effect pro-life leaders, Mark Crutcher of ProLife America announces the Weitz deadline
WorldNetDaily: Jan. 31 Deadline for Weitz... Article on WND frontpage
Leading pro-life group American Life League and its president Judie Brown urge Weitz to pull out by Jan. 31 deadline
Operation Rescue/OSA, the world's most well-known abortion protest group to honor Permanent Collaborator Status against Weitz
Denver radio host on 50k-watt station warns Weitz that its foray into abortion politics will result in protest of Weitz' clients
Colorado’s largest pro-life group, CRTL, commits to long-term protests against Weitz if firm hit with Perm. Collaborator Status
You're invited to a Super Bowl party Feb 3 at a Weitz exec's home near you...
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